Ottawa – Sports injuries
While running can be good for the heart and the body’s overall fitness, the repetitive stress of running on the feet and legs can increase your risk of injury over time. These potential injuries range from the mildly annoying to those requiring surgery. To take proper care of your body, make sure that you stretch properly, wear appropriate footwear, and listen to your body when it tells you to rest.
A few common running injuries include:
Shin Splints
“Shin splints” is a term to describe pain and swelling in the front of the lower leg. The pain usually appears after and is aggravated by repetitive activities such as running or walking. Contributing causes are flat feet, calf tightness, improper training techniques, worn out or improper shoes/sneakers, as well as running or walking on uneven surfaces. The inflammation in the shin results from the repeated pull of a muscle in the leg from the shin bone (tibia). Left untreated, shin splints can cause fracturing to the tibia.
Achilles Tendinitis:
Achilles tendinitis is a painful condition of the tendon in the back of the ankle, commonly referred to as the heel cord. Left untreated, Achilles tendinitis can lead to an increased risk of Achilles tendon rupture. Athletes and “weekend warriors” are at high risk for developing disorders of the Achilles tendon,