Children & Pediatric Foot Care

Children’s Foot Care

Sometimes our children may not present with obvious signs of foot and ankle problems. Whereas parents may typically expect to see painful bumps on the feet, discoloration of the skin or nails, flat feet or obvious in-toeing or out-toeing when walking, sometimes the best indicator of a foot or ankle problem may not be visualized. It may be as simple as your child not wanting to participate in sports activities that they normally enjoy.

Pediatric Foot Care

When caring for infants and children, foot health may not be at the top of your priority list. Foot health is just as important for children as it is for adults, and the foot conditions of children can persist and become more severe if not treated.

As early as infancy, take proper measures to ensure good foot health for your baby. This can be achieved with a few simple steps:

As your child ages, be aware of their walking patterns. Feet which turn out or in as the child walks signal an underlying issue. Foot pain or swelling without explanation could be a sign of a serious condition and should not be ignored.

The feet of children grow very quickly, and it is also important to ensure that children always have properly fitting shoes. If you do notice anything out of the ordinary, contact your child’s trusted podiatrist as soon as possible. Good health is allĀ­-encompassing for infants and children, from head to toe! By taking a few basic precautions, you can give your child the gift of foot health to take with them into adulthood.

Contact us today and let us help you with your feet

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